Cookies policy


1. The Service does not automaticallycollect any information, except forinformation contained in cookies.
2. Cookie files (so-called “cookies”;) are IT data, in particular text files, whichare stored in the end device of theService User and are intended for use ofthe Service websites. Cookies usuallycontain the name of the website fromwhich they originate, the length of timethey are stored on the terminalequipment and a unique number.
3. The operator of the Service is Trio Corporate Finance Polska Sp. z o.o. with headquarter at address Bonifraterska 17, 00-203 Warsaw. PL, is the entity placing cookies on the User’s end device and gainingaccess to them.
4. Cookies are used for the purpose:

a) adjusting the content of the Websiteto the User’s preferences andoptimizing the use of websites; inparticular, these files allow to recognizethe device of the Website User and todisplay the website accordingly, adjusted to his individual needs;

b) create statistics that help tounderstand how Website Users use theWebsite, which enables them toimprove their structure and content;

c) maintenance of Service User’ssession (after logging in), thanks towhich the User does not have to re-enter the login and password on eachsubpage of the Service;

5. Within the Service two basic types of cokies are used: session(session cookies) and”permanent”; cookies (persistentcookies). Session”; cookies aretemporary files that are stored in theUser’s terminal equipment until theUser logs out, leaves the website orturns off the software (web browser). Permanent”; cookies are storedin the User’s final device for the timespecified in the parameters of cookiesor until they are deleted by the User.

6. Within the Service, the following types of cookies are used:

a) necessary”; cookie files, enabling the use of services availablewithin the Service, e. g. authenticatingcookie files used for services requiringauthentication within the Service;

b) cookies used to ensure security, e. g.used to detect fraud in the scope ofauthentication within the Service;

c) “efficient”; cookie files, enabling collection of information onthe manner of using the Website;

d) „functional”; cookie files, enabling the User to “remember”; the settings selected by the User andpersonalize the User interface, e. g. inthe selected language or region fromwhich the User comes, font size, appearance of the website, etc. The User may also use the”functional”; cookie files, whichallow the User to “remember”; thesettings and personalization of the Userinterface, e. g. in the scope of theselected language or region from whichthe User comes, font size, appearanceof the website, etc. The User may alsouse the “functional”; cookie files, which allows the User to use “functional”; cookies;

e) “advertising”; cookies, enablingthe provision of advertising contentmore suited to the Users’; interests.

7. In many cases, the software used tobrowse websites (web browser) bydefault allows cookies to be stored inthe User’s terminal device. Users of theService may change the settingsconcerning cookies at any time. Thesesettings may be changed, in particular, in such a way as to block the automatichandling of cookies in the settings ofthe Internet browser or to inform abouttheir every time they are placed in thedevice of the Service User. Detailedinformation about the possibilities andways of using cookies are available inthe software settings (web browser).

8. The Operator of the Website informsthat restrictions on the use of cookiesmay affect some of the functionalitiesavailable on the Website.

9. Cookie files placed in the final device of the Website User and may also be used by advertisers and partners cooperating with the operator of the Website.